shubhangi singh ©

Built with

  1. Fault Lines 

    Lecture-Performance (with Naya Magaliou)



  2. Conceiving, or perceiving, means organising one’s intuitions with knowledge that is either already there or is acquired. Acquisition of any new knowledge is a process, to which failing is indispensable. As opposed to being in stark contrast to success, failure as something that needs to be recategorized, not merely as accidental or shameful, but instead, as vital pieces in the larger plot line.

    In the performance, Magaliou and Singh journey through failing, failures and faults, to be viewed as subversive acts within the production machinations. By looking at failures as, sometimes, being the wrench in the proverbial system, Fault Lines propose the need to investigate the leap made between simply slowing down and being deemed an abject failure. And what the implications of this be when ascribed to an individual as well to society at large.


    Exhibition view from Vapaakaupungin Olohuone, Helsinki